A girl sat on damp
grass all alone at night
The Moon was glowing
with all its might
Cool, scented zephyr
blew petals and leaves
The only music was
that of the swooshing trees
And an occasional
howl from far, far away
Nothing was even the
slightest bit awry
Except for that
girl, who was lonely and sad
The dew had wet the
attire in which she was clad
Her big, glassy eyes
stared glumly at the moon
The long winter
night seemed far from ending soon
Feelings of envy
were sparking inside her
She thought how
fortunate the moon and stars were
They knew exactly
what they were supposed to do
They didn't have to
figure out what was true
In this messed up
world filled with illusions
Around every corner
there are deceptions
Tears trickled down
her cheeks as her patience gave way
She wanted to seek
her Lord but knew she was far away
Her existence was
shackled in frailty and hopelessness
She felt as if
nothing could save her from this distress
How was she supposed
to keep track of her whole life?
It wasn't a bed of
roses to deal with this strife
Good and bad sound
easy to choose from
But in reality web
of life is spun way beyond the norm
The worst thing was
that she had to do it on her own
No one else could go
in her place to atone
For the sins or bear
the agony of the punishments
Which she would be
subjected to for her transgressions
Her forlorn desire
was to achieve redemption
But she was afraid
it might never happen
Life was too
elaborate how could she resist?
The temptations and
illusions enshrouded her like mist
Waging a war more
fearsome than one can imagine
Against the desires- in her heart- that were lodged in
There was majestic
light and there was awful darkness
She knew, light she
had to embrace and the dark, harness
If she let the
darkness win she would be lead to ruin
Giving up was, in no
wise an option
She knew not what
the future would be
All she could do was
try and leave the rest be
Would her worries be
over and her goal achieved?
That was something
only her Lord cognized