Sunday, 11 August 2013

Leaving Home

Enjoying a cup of Mom-made tea,
With my mum, on a sunny morning.
These days will never come back,
Better make the most of them,
While I still have the chance.
I have my parents by my side now,
But, soon enough it will be time,
For the little bird to finally take flight
And fly far away, leaving all behind.
It’s going to be really hard, I know,
Sadness might penetrate down to my core,
But, I will be strong, I have to vow,
As that’s the only way to achieve, what I adore.
I too need to become, the one to sow,
The seeds of victory all by myself.
The coziness of my home won't be there,
But, still I will have my parent's prayers.
They shall accompany and comfort me,
Whenever I feel down or alone.
I shall have faith in my Lord,
And never lose sight of my goals.
All will be well in the end, I believe so,
Even if not, it will take more than failures,
To make me give up or lose sight of myself.
I believe that whatever life brings me,
Is destined to help me find my way,
And lead me to success instead of awry.
When finally I will have achieved my dreams,
I will be able to look back and be thankful.
On that day I shall be glad that I had left,
The loving embrace and the safety of my home;
Abandoned my nest and dived down,
For it was only after I jumped out of it,
That I was able to spread my wings so wide,
And soar in to the blue sky with all my might.


At times you have to be selfless, for others
But deep down you know sometimes it bothers
Can't help it you have to do the right thing
Don't know, still, how to deal with the pain it can bring
Even though you want things to be the other way around                               
For your loved ones you have to kill your own desire
God knows, the heart has to be vast as the sky that’s sapphire
Hard it is to not grab it when what you want is right in front
It takes much courage and patience to just quietly grunt
Just then you wonder whether you really want to forsake it
Kudos shall be earned but the thing is that, is it really worth it?
Letting your heart be torn just for the sake of someone else
Maybe it’s that you feel you are not strong enough
Noble it is indeed to make a make a selfless decision
Opting to do it however can become worse than a prison
Possibility is that later you will regret doing so
Quandary will cause you to mop and mow 
Restless your soul shall become causing agony
Sometimes the pain can even become uncanny
Thus you will then wish you could bring back the past
Undo the mistake, you feel could otherwise be your last
Very fatal now the sacrifice seems
Wrong you were in the beginning it means
Xanadu of Paradise though you will get in the afterlife
You will be rewarded then for making the sacrifice

Zilch will be your suffering there, had your intentions been fair here

Friday, 9 August 2013

Do not Despair

Life is so bright
Everything's just alright
It seems nothing can go wrong
But soon God proves you wrong
That is life my friend
God is your one, true friend
There are always points in your life
When darkness is stabbing you like a knife
You know you are all alone                   
And that’s where you need to atone
Just tell yourself you are a moron
Because God is with you, you stupid human
Wen no loved one can reach you
No matter how much they want to
Your Lord is there for you
To save you from your agony
The Great Lord can do what He wants
Whatever He wills for His beings, He grants
All you need is to ask
It may seem a difficult task
But trust me it’s worth the shot
For your Lord loves you a lot
Just have faith and hold His hand
Then there won’t be any problem that you can’t withstand
Patience though you will need
After all there’s a price if you want to succeed
It isn’t even near as high as you think
If you choose the glitter, your life will stink
Just don’t lose hope and don’t despair
For your Lord’s always there
Just call out to Him and He shall help you
All of your problems He shall hew