Enjoying a cup of Mom-made tea,
With my mum, on a sunny morning.
These days will never come back,
Better make the most of them,
While I still have the chance.
I have my parents by my side now,
But, soon enough it will be time,
For the little bird to finally take flight
And fly far away, leaving all behind.
It’s going to be really hard, I know,
Sadness might penetrate down to my core,
But, I will be strong, I have to vow,
As that’s the only way to achieve, what I adore.
I too need to become, the one to sow,
The seeds of victory all by myself.
The coziness of my home won't be there,
But, still I will have my parent's prayers.
They shall accompany and comfort me,
Whenever I feel down or alone.
I shall have faith in my Lord,
And never lose sight of my goals.
All will be well in the end, I believe so,
Even if not, it will take more than failures,
To make me give up or lose sight of myself.
I believe that whatever life brings me,
Is destined to help me find my way,
And lead me to success instead of awry.
When finally I will have achieved my dreams,
I will be able to look back and be thankful.
On that day I shall be glad that I had left,
The loving embrace and the safety of my home;
Abandoned my nest and dived down,
For it was only after I jumped out of it,
That I was able to spread my wings so wide,
And soar in to the blue sky with all my might.